monitor power powers off - how do I stop


Paul Cuthbert


I have a minimal xpe system i.e. no control panel, min logon.

Everything works fine but the montior goes into power down after 10 - 20
minutes if there is no activity on the keyboard or mouse.

Does anybody know how to disable this?


Paul Cuthbert



In your ID Configuration, check the settings page of Standard PC or component (depends on your hardware support). Find Power Management Settings section there and default Power management policy to "Home/Office Desk" or "Always On". Rebuild, deploy and check at runtime if it helps.

Also, you may check your target BIOS settings to turn off automatic monitor switching off after some while.

BSquare Corporation

PC> Hi

PC> I have a minimal xpe system i.e. no control panel, min logon.

PC> Everything works fine but the montior goes into power down after 10
PC> - 20 minutes if there is no activity on the keyboard or mouse.

PC> Does anybody know how to disable this?

PC> Thanks

PC> Paul Cuthbert

Paul Cuthbert


It's not in the BIOS as I can run xp professional on the same platform with
no problem. I have tried always on and home/office desk but same problem.

I have been comparing registry snapshots with the xp professional system and
looks to me that for some reason AcPolicy which sets monitor power off
(0c0h) is set to 20 minutes in the xpe build.

How can I change the ACPolicy registry setting in xpe. I have had a good
look and there does not seem to be an option.

I know this is something I have seen someone else have a problem with a long
time ago and it needed a registry change to fix.

Your help would be greatly appreciated as it is causing a real headache now.



KM said:

In your ID Configuration, check the settings page of Standard PC or
component (depends on your hardware support). Find Power Management Settings
section there and default Power management policy to "Home/Office Desk" or
"Always On". Rebuild, deploy and check at runtime if it helps.
Also, you may check your target BIOS settings to turn off automatic
monitor switching off after some while.



Why wouldn't you just copy your working XP Pro reg.entries in to the XPe
I did that a long while ago along with the NT APM component settings and it
worked perfect for my monitor power settings on MinLogon and WinLogon

You will probably more interested in this registry key:
[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentSet001\Control\Session Manager\Power], "AcPolicy" and
"DcPolicy" binary values. At offset 0xC0 they contain 4 bytes with the
time-out before the monitor is powered off (in seconds), setting this to 0
means "never".

BSquare Corporation


Btw, I forgot to mention that most likely setting Power settings in TD won't
work if you use Minlogon.
Here is MS input on that from XPe SP1 Release Notes:
The following components are only supported when used with the Windows Logon
Standard component:
- Default presentation setting for the power policy in the Computer
So, seems like only putting registry entries manually can help you with the

BSquare Corporation

KM said:

Why wouldn't you just copy your working XP Pro reg.entries in to the XPe
I did that a long while ago along with the NT APM component settings and it
worked perfect for my monitor power settings on MinLogon and WinLogon

You will probably more interested in this registry key:
[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentSet001\Control\Session Manager\Power], "AcPolicy" and
"DcPolicy" binary values. At offset 0xC0 they contain 4 bytes with the
time-out before the monitor is powered off (in seconds), setting this to 0
means "never".

BSquare Corporation

It's not in the BIOS as I can run xp professional on the same platform with
no problem. I have tried always on and home/office desk but same problem.

I have been comparing registry snapshots with the xp professional system and
looks to me that for some reason AcPolicy which sets monitor power off
(0c0h) is set to 20 minutes in the xpe build.

How can I change the ACPolicy registry setting in xpe. I have had a good
look and there does not seem to be an option.

I know this is something I have seen someone else have a problem with a long
time ago and it needed a registry change to fix.

Your help would be greatly appreciated as it is causing a real headache now.



component (depends on your hardware support). Find Power Management Settings
section there and default Power management policy to "Home/Office Desk" or
"Always On". Rebuild, deploy and check at runtime if it helps.
monitor switching off after some while.

Paul Cuthbert


Many thanks for the input. That explains it. I've set the ACPolicy offset
0xC0 to 00 00 using Extra Registry Data in TD and its been running for 45
minutes now. Your quick responses and feedback much appreaciated.

Best regards


KM said:
Btw, I forgot to mention that most likely setting Power settings in TD won't
work if you use Minlogon.
Here is MS input on that from XPe SP1 Release Notes:
The following components are only supported when used with the Windows Logon
Standard component:
- Default presentation setting for the power policy in the Computer
So, seems like only putting registry entries manually can help you with the

BSquare Corporation

KM said:

Why wouldn't you just copy your working XP Pro reg.entries in to the XPe
I did that a long while ago along with the NT APM component settings and it
worked perfect for my monitor power settings on MinLogon and WinLogon

You will probably more interested in this registry key:
[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentSet001\Control\Session Manager\Power], "AcPolicy" and
"DcPolicy" binary values. At offset 0xC0 they contain 4 bytes with the
time-out before the monitor is powered off (in seconds), setting this to 0
means "never".

BSquare Corporation

It's not in the BIOS as I can run xp professional on the same platform with
no problem. I have tried always on and home/office desk but same problem.

I have been comparing registry snapshots with the xp professional
looks to me that for some reason AcPolicy which sets monitor power off
(0c0h) is set to 20 minutes in the xpe build.

How can I change the ACPolicy registry setting in xpe. I have had a good
look and there does not seem to be an option.

I know this is something I have seen someone else have a problem with
time ago and it needed a registry change to fix.

Your help would be greatly appreciated as it is causing a real



In your ID Configuration, check the settings page of Standard PC or
component (depends on your hardware support). Find Power Management Settings
section there and default Power management policy to "Home/Office

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