Module error?



Can someone explain why two subprocedures in the same module are listed
differently in the Macros dialog box? The procedures are called Test1 and
Test2. When I choose Tools > Macro > Macros, the first displays as Test1,
but the second displays as Module1.Test2.

It seems that Test2 runs correctly, but it also frequently causes one of
those "Send Error" messages and shuts down Excel. Is the way these are
listed telling me that there's something potentially wrong with my code?


You apparently have another module in your workbook which also has a sub
procedure named Test2. The dialog only displays the minimum amount of
information to discriminate the procedure uniquely from the context of the


I discovered that I had referenced a named range with the same name, Test2,
as my sub procedure. When I renamed the subprocedure, it displayed properly.
Thanks for steering me in the right direction.

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