Modifying Zip files across network


Gregg Cattanach

I have a simple network between my desktop and laptop using a wired router.
I can pretty much do anything on the shared folders I want to except some
actions with some zip files. If I try to add files to the zip file across
the network I get this error:

"Could not open \\Dell\etc\etc\..\ .
Probably cause, file sharing or file permissions problem."

I also get a similar problem if I try to copy a zip file from one machine
overwriting a zip file with that same name on the other. There seems to be a
directional issue here. If I try to push or pull a zip file (overwriting
one with the same name) from the desktop to the laptop over the network, I
get an error. If I'm on the laptop and try to pull a zip file, it works,
but I can't push one to the desktop.

The problem only occurs with zip files. Any other file I can push, pull and
overwrite in either direction. The parent folder two levels up is the
folder that is shared. WindowsXP Home, SP2.

The rest of the networking seems just fine, file/printer/Internet connection
sharing, and all other kinds of file transfer.

Any ideas?


I have a simple network between my desktop and laptop using a wired router.
I can pretty much do anything on the shared folders I want to except some
actions with some zip files. If I try to add files to the zip file across
the network I get this error:

"Could not open \\Dell\etc\etc\..\ .
Probably cause, file sharing or file permissions problem."

I also get a similar problem if I try to copy a zip file from one machine
overwriting a zip file with that same name on the other. There seems to be a
directional issue here. If I try to push or pull a zip file (overwriting
one with the same name) from the desktop to the laptop over the network, I
get an error. If I'm on the laptop and try to pull a zip file, it works,
but I can't push one to the desktop.

The problem only occurs with zip files. Any other file I can push, pull and
overwrite in either direction. The parent folder two levels up is the
folder that is shared. WindowsXP Home, SP2.

The rest of the networking seems just fine, file/printer/Internet connection
sharing, and all other kinds of file transfer.

Any ideas?

Hmmmm, if ONLY we had a "Computer Consultant" around............

So PPPORTLYone......

No house in your name
Clark County Assessor never heard of you
HOA at the Lakes never heard of you
Nevada Power never heard of you
Las Vegas Valley Water district never heard of you
and (wait for it)
Nevada DMV never heard of you

but....... he DID manage to get a cellphone with a Las Vegas number
(702) 878-4454
give him a call and say hello!
because you fear this software may work.
You also never call the 702-878-4454 number because you KNOW it isn't me.
You also are so dammed angry that you can't get any info on me
because you can't!

Masarsky, Michael
Las Vegas, NV 89117
(702) 878-4454

Uh huh..... We believe you live here..................

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