Modifying table design breaks Append query



I have a table that I delete all records from/then append records to on a daily basis. I modified the table by adding another field. My Append query now rejects a little over half the records due to validation rules violations. I've set no new rules. The new field is not required and has no validation rules. When I delete the modified table and replace it with the backup (thank GOD I backed up before playing this game) the query appends all records with no errors. I played with modifying the table by deleting a field, (instead of adding a field to see if the problem was how I modified) and I recieved the same number of rejects. My query brings in several Autonumber PK's from different tables (as longs you can't have more that one Autonumber in the receiving table) I am wondering if my can-o-worms is due to the different PK's. I've also tried Compact/Repair to fix. Has anyone had problems similar to this and can you provide possible solutions please?

Jeff Boyce

You may have to "walk" through your append query, deleting one field at a
time and testing to find the "offending" field. Then, back to the table
definition to determine what about THAT field is leading to errors.

JOPO (just one person's opinion)

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>


FOUND IT!!! Thank you very much. One of the fields was a text field set to AllowZeroLength = No. Why this did not reject on the earlier table I do not know; but, setting AllowZeroLength = Yes (in Design view, Field Properties).
Thanks Jeff.

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