Modify Name, Title, Author, etc. of an Add-In



I can not modify the Property values of my AddIn. It is necessary to find the
right add-in (For Each ad In Application.AddIns...)

For some reason, Excel has added one, two or three times a r-like symbol at
the end of the Name, Title, Author, Subject values of my AddIns in the
Watches window. So when comparing the addins (If ad.Title = DATEADDIN Then
....) the addin is not found.

These symbols are not shown on other places, like the Immediates window or
in the Workbook properties, when viewed.

I tried to modify it by making the Add-in back to a Workbook or by running
the following code:
ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties.Item("Title").Value = "Date XP Add-in

It seems to have an effect on the Immediates window:
? ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties.Item("Title") .Value
Date XP Add-in v2.08

But the Watches window still shows the original value.

Can someone help?



the symbols are probably representations for linefeeds or carriage
returns. If at the end they are useless so you can delete them.

I've found that editing of the properties of addins
is easiest done in windows explorer.

close the files if open in excel.

then in explorer rightclick, select properties and
edit to your heart's content.
you can have boxes for multiple files open at once.

(be aware that the box to display the comments has different width
in various excel versions, so after editing, restart excel
and look at how they come out in the "comments box" at the bottom
of the addins list.

PS: (and this may be the best tip from this post)
why use watches?..
use the locals window to see your variables during debugging.


| | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

Thierry H. wrote :


Dear keepITcool,

Thank you for responding.

Apart from Comments there are no line feeds or carriage returns in these
In the properties by means of Windows Explorer those symbols are not showing
either. Forcing some DEL keystrokes does not help the situation.

Apparently only the watch window, or capturing the addin's property value
into a variable shows what the problem is.

The only way I found thus far is:
For Each ad In Application.AddIns
adTitle = Left(ad.Title, Len(DATEADDIN))
If adTitle = DATEADDIN Then...

It's not neat, but it works...

Thanks anyway,


I used the Locals window as you suggested:
It has indeed the advantage of not having to define a watch every time.
Thank you keepITcool for the tip.

I noticed that the Locals window also shows the extra symbol at the end.
Using Asc() I could find out it's CHR(0) that is added at the end of the
- once at the end of .Title
- twice behind .Author
- three times behind .Subject

Other properties seem not to be affected.
It doesn't show on Microsoft's add-ins.
Only on some I made myself, with different results.

Does someone have an idea how I can get rid of it?

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