Modem AND CD burning problem...



Uh, hi, guys...

I've had two problems with my Toshiba laptop that's been bugging me for
quite some time now, and I'm hoping you can help me with it...

Anyway, here goes:
1. The tale of a modem who just won't let go (of its port)...
Well, one day I found out that my modem just stopped working. It gave me the
Error 633: Modem (or other connecting device) already in use or is not
configured properly error. Already tried Microsoft's solution (the ones from
the web-KB-help thing), which is: "Enter safe mode, uninstall and then
reinstall the modem, then restart."
Doesn't work.
It still gave me that error whenever I tried connecting. Tried physically
removing the modem, but the freaky thing is XP installed the modem anyway
while the modem is in my hands... Must've been some chipset of the modem
still plugged in to the computer.
Anyway, I tried everything I can think of (aside from buying a PCMCIA or USB
modem). Clicking on the "Query Modem" button on the modem properties page
also doesn't work. Also gave me some error about some port in conflict or
anything. And there's no conflict in the Device Manager...
Any help on this would be greatly appreaciated.

2. A tale of a DVD-RAM who just its fire (thus it can't burn)...
My DVD-RAM won't burn CDs anymore. I had the "enable CD recording on this
device" checkbox enabled, by the way. I tried burning an ISO using Nero 6
and Alcohol 120%, no dice. Both of them just fills their memory buffer, then
gave me the error about not being able to complete the operation. XP's CD
burning also doesn't work. Pretty much the same thing. Again, already tried
uninstalling, removing the drive, reinstalling the drive. No dice.
Oh, woe is me! What to do, what to do??

Any help? Please?

Comp Tech

Number 1. Are you sure you removed the Modem and rebooted??
XP can't find a modem that is not installed (physically) in the computer!
Are you sure you don't have an "onboard modem" on the motherboard?
That would explain XP finding and installing one. It may have an AMR, or CNR
modem that it is finding.
Number 2. Are you using DVD-RAM software that came with the DVD-RAM Drive?
If not, you may have to go to the DVD-RAM's Manufacturers Web Site and
download the lastes version. It could be needing newer drivers for the
device also.



No. 1:
Well, pro'ly not... It does say on the laptop's diagram that the modem's
location is on that the bottom right part, and when I opened it, I found
something that I can take. Well, you're pro'ly right, it's an onboard modem.
In any case, how do I release the port? In the dial-up connection icon (2
comps connected by wire or something), both computers' "monitors" are blue,
which (I assume) means the modem is being used for something.
Well, how do I shut down this process? Or make it so it will release the port?

And no.2:
Well, no. And yes... Urgh...
Well, I did installed the driver from the manufacturer, but I've never had
any problems using Nero or Alcohol to burn CDs before. Even XP's CD burning
software works previously. It just stopped working one day. And I even found
that out because I have to burn some data, if not I wouldn't ever find that

Thanks for the answer, Comp Tech.
Looking forward for more.

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