


I'm trying to get this function to work, can anyone help

Function Make_Project_Directory(StrDrive, strProject_Directory,
strYear_Directory, strProject_Number)
Dim strProjectPath As String
'Dim result As String
strProjectPath = StrDrive & "\" & strProject_Directory & "\" & _
strYear_Directory & "\" & strProject_Number & "\" & _
MsgBox Len(Dir(strProjectPath, vbDirectory)) > 0
If Len(Dir(strProjectPath, vbDirectory)) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Directory " & strProjectPath & " already exists"
MkDir strProjectPath
MsgBox "Directory " & strProjectPath & " has been created"
End If
End Function

Public Sub Test()
Make_Project_Directory "C:", "PLD Test", "07-08", "Project"
End Sub

Thanks for any help

Jeanette Cunningham

MkDir cannot create multiple levels of directories.
If you need to create multiple levels of directories, call MkDir for each

Jeanette Cunningham

Stuart McCall

Greg said:
I'm trying to get this function to work, can anyone help

Function Make_Project_Directory(StrDrive, strProject_Directory,
strYear_Directory, strProject_Number)
Dim strProjectPath As String
'Dim result As String
strProjectPath = StrDrive & "\" & strProject_Directory & "\" & _
strYear_Directory & "\" & strProject_Number & "\" & _
MsgBox Len(Dir(strProjectPath, vbDirectory)) > 0
If Len(Dir(strProjectPath, vbDirectory)) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Directory " & strProjectPath & " already exists"
MkDir strProjectPath
MsgBox "Directory " & strProjectPath & " has been created"
End If
End Function

Public Sub Test()
Make_Project_Directory "C:", "PLD Test", "07-08", "Project"
End Sub

Thanks for any help

As Jeanette mentioned, VBA's Mkdir function is limited to one directory
level per call. However, we can roll our own function to accomplish this:

Dim ErrNum As Long

ErrNum = CreatePath(strProjectPath)
If ErrNum = 0 Then
MsgBox "Path successfully created."
MsgBox "Path was not created. The error number was " & ErrNum
End If

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