Mix up names



What is the formula and how to:

To change the names from alphabetical order to being shuffled.

Excel 2003

Thank You

Bob I

helper column is the empty column adjacent to your data.

put =RAND() in the first row and then copy it down to the rest of them

then highlight all the data (names and helper column) and pick Data,
Sort and then sort on the helper column.
Bob I am very new at this. What is a helper column?

How do I do what you said?? :)

Bob said:
In a helper column put


Copy down and then sort the sheet on that column.

What is the formula and how to:

[quoted text clipped - 4 lines]
Thank You


I see how that works.

Now is there a way that I can copy that to 1K or 50K names all at the same

Bob said:
helper column is the empty column adjacent to your data.

put =RAND() in the first row and then copy it down to the rest of them

then highlight all the data (names and helper column) and pick Data,
Sort and then sort on the helper column.
Bob I am very new at this. What is a helper column?
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]

Bob I

After you put it in the first cell, r-click and "Copy" the cell. Now
select the cells in ALL the rows below it and then "Paste" in to all
the cells in the column at once. 10- 1000- 10000 whatever.
I see how that works.

Now is there a way that I can copy that to 1K or 50K names all at the same

Bob said:
helper column is the empty column adjacent to your data.

put =RAND() in the first row and then copy it down to the rest of them

then highlight all the data (names and helper column) and pick Data,
Sort and then sort on the helper column.

Bob I am very new at this. What is a helper column?

[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]
Thank You

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