Missing WinUpdate from StartMenu


Thomas Wendell

As the header says, I can't go staright to WinUpdate from the StartMenu. I
tried it today, when MS informed of new updates (yes, I do subscribe to that
service). When I pressed WindowsUpdate in Start, it said something like "
missing the object requested"?????? and then I had no WinUpdate there...

It always has started IE and gone to v4.windows.microsoft.com .
I don't have IE as default browser (have Opera), so a normal shortcut won't

I can get to WUpdate throug IE->Tools etc or manually by typing it, but it
would be so much simpler straight from the start menu.
Anybody have an idea?

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Most learned here on nntp://news.mircosoft.com
Helsinki, Finland (remove NO _SPAM)
(translations from FI/SE not always accurate)

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Right-click on the Taskbar and select:
Properties > Start Menu (tab) > Customize > Add
Type in: wupdmgr.exe , and click Next.
In the next window, click on the Start Menu and click Next.
Type in: Windows Update and click on Finish.

P.S. Always use Internet Explorer when accessing the Windows Update website.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User


| As the header says, I can't go staright to WinUpdate from the StartMenu. I
| tried it today, when MS informed of new updates (yes, I do subscribe to that
| service). When I pressed WindowsUpdate in Start, it said something like "
| missing the object requested"?????? and then I had no WinUpdate there...
| It always has started IE and gone to v4.windows.microsoft.com .
| I don't have IE as default browser (have Opera), so a normal shortcut won't
| work.
| I can get to WUpdate throug IE->Tools etc or manually by typing it, but it
| would be so much simpler straight from the start menu.
| Anybody have an idea?
| --
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| Most learned here on nntp://news.mircosoft.com
| Helsinki, Finland (remove NO _SPAM)
| (translations from FI/SE not always accurate)
| =================================================

Ramesh [MS-MVP]

Pls post the exact error message.
Also, try:
Click Start | Run | wupdmgr.exe

Ramesh [MS-MVP]
Aim: SRamesh2k
(e-mail address removed)

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

~ Please reply to newsgroup ~

As the header says, I can't go staright to WinUpdate from the StartMenu. I
tried it today, when MS informed of new updates (yes, I do subscribe to that
service). When I pressed WindowsUpdate in Start, it said something like "
missing the object requested"?????? and then I had no WinUpdate there...

It always has started IE and gone to v4.windows.microsoft.com .
I don't have IE as default browser (have Opera), so a normal shortcut won't

I can get to WUpdate throug IE->Tools etc or manually by typing it, but it
would be so much simpler straight from the start menu.
Anybody have an idea?

Reply to group
Most learned here on nntp://news.mircosoft.com
Helsinki, Finland (remove NO _SPAM)
(translations from FI/SE not always accurate)

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