Missing Performance counters




I have this strange problem about performance monitor.

One day, I discovered some of the performance counters is missing from 2 of
my Windows 2000 servers. One server is missing Logical Disk counter and the
other is Processor and Memory counters. I do not know how it happen.

I have went through MSKB and it recommend to reinstall SP4. I did but it
does not solve my problem. I have look through the web but find no useful
solution to it.

Does anyone has any idea how to resolve it?

Thank you.

Best Regards,


John Thow


I have this strange problem about performance monitor.

One day, I discovered some of the performance counters is missing from 2 of
my Windows 2000 servers. One server is missing Logical Disk counter and the
other is Processor and Memory counters. I do not know how it happen.

I have went through MSKB and it recommend to reinstall SP4. I did but it
does not solve my problem. I have look through the web but find no useful
solution to it.

Does anyone has any idea how to resolve it?

Thank you.

Best Regards,


"Troubleshooting Performance Monitor Counter Problems"

Might help?

John Thow
an optimist is a guy/ that has never had/ much experience -
certain maxims of archie; Don Marquis.

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Thanks for your help. Unfortunately, the article does not give any real
solution. I have tried to access the registry that has 009 but i cannot
access it. I tried on other working servers and it gives the same result.

Anyone out there has any idea?


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