Missing original posts



In this and the 'newusers' NG, I seem to get a number of posts like "Re:
*subject of post*" and the original post by that subject is nowhere to be
found. Didn't pay much attention to this until one of my own posts showed
up with a response as
"Re: No auto restore points" on my machine. My original was attached to the
reply, and yet, the actual first post could not be found..... obviously, the
responder is seeing the original post, but, I am not. Comments, cures,
Heirloom, old and still trying to get my
auto restore points back

Will Denny

Hi Heirloom

U OK? Could be your ISP server isn't polling correctly, in relation to you
trying to view the postings.

I seem to 'lose' some postings that are made via CDO - are you referring to


Will Denny
MS MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups


Hey Will,
Y, I'm doing pretty well. Showing my ignorance, not sure about the CDO
thing. I am just using OE and the subscribed NG's, hit 'New Post' and send
it on its' merry way. Everything has been perfect on the new XP box until
recently.....now I get the random "Re: *" posts in the NG's and am not
getting auto SR points....that one really has me stumped...even ran the
srdiag.exe to no avail. May try rebooting to Safe Mode and see if one gets
created from there. Thanks for the response.
Heirloom, old and Merry Christmas (or
whatever you prefer) to all

Will Denny

Hi Heirloom

CDO is posting from a browser - ask Mike about it :)) The OE and SR
problems haven't anything in common. Can you create a manual SR checkpoint
and then revert to that?

I'll see what I can do about the OE problem for you.


Will Denny
MS MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

PA Bear

View > Current View > Show all messages.

OE Tools > Options > Read > Download XX messages at a time (uncheck).
OE6-specific newsgroup:
OE General newsgroup:

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE, Shell/User, Security), Aumha.org VSOP, DTS-L.org

Joan Archer

Hi Heirloom,
Are you sure you haven't got anything running in the background so the
system doesn't go idle long enough to create a restore point.

Joan Archer

Hi Heirloom ignore the post I made to you I have just seen your original
post about the problem and you do seem to have idle time hope you manage
to get those missing posts sorted out so you can follow Bert Kinney he's
the expert <g>


Hi Mr. Bear,
Yep, have "Show all messages" checked. I did have "Download 200
messages at a time" checked, so, I unchecked that. We shall see if that
makes a difference. Thank you very much for your expert assistance.

Yep, I have checked all the obvious things.......nothing running in
the background and I have nothing that can "phone home."
I even ran the <srdiag.exe> with no help. I can make manual restore points
and they work. Installation restore points are made.
My next effort will be to see if a point is created in the Safe Mode while
idle, if so, I will work on eliminating suspect proggies, i.e. ZAPro and my
Avast! AV.

Yep, I post from OE, having subscribed to msnews.microsoft.com and
this NG....is that what you are referring to??
Heirloom, old and will get it,
thanks to all

Gerry Cornell


The CDO is posting using Internet Explorer and is not relevant to your posts
being missing.

In Outlook Express select Tools, Options, Maintenance, Clean Up Now. Click
on the Browse button, select the newsgroup and click on Reset. This removes
all messages so that you can download again. Your original message should

The way you synchronise ( download messages ) needs to suit you.
However, when you set up a new newsgroup check the box in Tools,
Options, Read, Get xxx headers at a time (you can change the default to
any number between 50 and 999). Set the synchronisation to New not All.
Then select Tools, Get next xxx headers, after downloading has completed
select Tools, Mark for Offline and then select Synchronise, Newsgroup
and only those Marked. Remove the check mark in Tools, Options, Read,
Get xxx headers at a time. For all future downloads use Synchronise,
preferably Synchronise All. Using the procedure described for a large
newsgroup avoids downloading thousands of messages you may never read.

Another option if you read Online is to make your Synchronisation option
Headers only. You then select and download bodies for only those
messages you intend to read. Yet another alternative if you read
Offline, is to use Headers only and then to Mark selected Headers whilst
Offline and then Synchronise for marked messages reading the selected
messages later Offline.

It is quite common to see replies without the original message. People
reply to messages not seeing how long ago the original was posted. Also
they select the wrong message option thereby failing to post to the thread
where the original was posted,


Hope this helps.


Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.


PA Bear


Tools>Options>Read>Get XXX headers at a time

You may set this option as high as 1,000. Right-click on the newsgroup in
Folders pane>Synchronization Settings> select New Messages Only. Now every
time you open the newsgroup (or hit F5), you will download the next-newest
set of headers/messages.

When you feel you've downloaded enough headers/messages, again right-click
on the newsgroup in Folders pane and select Catch Up Now. This will Mark as
Read all messages on the server, including ones you've not yet downloaded.
Now return to "Get XXX headers at a time" and uncheck the option completely;
then compact the folder.

From now on, OE will only download headers/messages posted to the server
since you last checked (polled) for messages.

You should probably visit this page, too:
http://insideoe.tomsterdam.com/files/maintain.htm#cleannews (lotsa good
stuff there).


Gerry, PA Bear,
You folks have been of terrific help.......I learned a lot tonight.
I even printed out Gerry's post for future reference and will do some
further studying on the 'synch' stuff. I thank you both.......this is a
great group.
Heirloom, old and suffering from
info overload


Will said:
Hi Heirloom

U OK? Could be your ISP server isn't polling correctly, in relation to you
trying to view the postings.

I seem to 'lose' some postings that are made via CDO - are you referring to

Messages usually are retained on an ISPs news server for a short period.

Some of these threads go on for months & months. And some get late
additions, responses added days or weeks after the original post.

He's probably seeing the later stages of threads where the original
messages have expired.

Frank Smith

Sometimes people do not download a high enough number of Threads to get
the old ones.

Frank Smith

Sometimes people do not download a high enough number of Threads to get
the old ones.


To All,
I am getting everything just fine, now......thanks to Gerry and PA
Bear. A hearty 'thanks' to everyone else who took the time to reply.
Heirloom, old and posted



Did you ever see my reply to your request in the original thread on
"System Restore" to repost the links provided by Bert Kinney and Ramesh?
I haven't seen anything in that thread for a few days. Oh yes, Merry
Christmas to you and yours.

sced :)


Hey sced,
Had to reset everything in my NG's and my 'flags' were removed as a
result. In re: to the SR points, I found my trouble..... I had been
screwing with the Services and managed to disable or set to manual some
service(s) that caused the auto SR points to cease. I was using the info
from http://www.pro-networks.org/XPMaNiA/services.shtml , taking it as valid
(dumb, dumb, dumb). WARNING! To all, do not blindly take the info at this
site as gospel! According to one of the more respected MS-MVP's, the info
is either misleading or flat out wrong in a number of cases! After
resetting all of my Services back to the default settings, all is well, auto
restore points are normal again.
sced, if you would like to email me direct........my addy is not that
difficult to un-munge and we can work on your issue.
Heirloom, old and must go
shopping, ugh.

Gerry Cornell

View, Current View, Replies to my messages.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute

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