Missing Macros



I have created several templates and created a toolbar with macros for each

The templates are sitting on a network. I have successfully installed the
toolbar on 5 computers and the macros work. However, one computer will not
retain the macros or the toolbar once Word has been closed and re-opened.
The normal.dot template does not even save changes if I change the default
font. One opening Word again the font is back to the original.

Any ideas?



Intereference from Acrobat is a common cause: a) the Acrobat 6 add-in
merrily resets the Word toolbar, discarding any other customisations; b)
Acrobat 7 disables Save for normal.dot.

Charles Kenyon

Saving your templates and their toolbars is a separate issue from saving
changes to normal.dot. Your templates should be in a workgroup templates
folder that each user has access to. The toolbar and related macros for each
template should be in that template, not in normal.dot. For more on the
different kinds of templates, tabs on the file new dialog, and locations of
templates folders see http://addbalance.com/usersguide/templates.htm.

For more on distributing templates with macros, see

For inability to save changes to normal.dot, the most likely culprit is
Adobe Acrobat 7. See

From the FAQ:

28. I can't save my customizations - AutoText, menus, etc.
Can't save normal.dot...
If you have Adobe Acrobat 7 installed see the last section of
Otherwise, hold down the Shift key when selecting the File
menu and select Save All.
See also http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/331259.html.

Hope this helps,
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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The templates are saved in a folder accessable by all and the workgroup file
location is pointing to the folder. The toolbars and related macros are
stored in the templates but don't I need to have them store in normal so that
when you open Word you can click on the button and you get document?


If you're dealing with an add-in vs. Acrobat 6, rename the add-in so it
precedes PDFMaker.dot alphabetically: add-ins are loaded in reverse
alphabetical order.

With Acrobat 7, you can force a save of normal.dot by switching to VBA and
entering this in the immediate window:

templates("normal.dot").saved = false

Charles Kenyon

No, you don't want to mess with normal.dot. If you are trying to have
toolbars that are accessible in all documents (not just those based on your
templates) then you would put the toolbars and related macros (macros first)
in a separate global template. For more on the different kinds of templates,
tabs on the file new dialog, and locations of templates folders see

By the way, read Graham Mayor's page on Adobe. The answer you want is toward
the bottom, but it makes enjoyable ? reading seeing how badly Adobe has
messed up Word over the years.

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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