Missing Macro


Tim at alliant

Please help, I am working on a spreadsheet that has a Macro that requires
all unprotected fields to be filled before the spreadsheet can be saved. The
spreadsheet has been altered so the range of unprotected fields has been
changed. I cannot find the macro to edit the range of unprotected cells and
therefore cannot save the spreadsheet. Nothing appears in Visual Basic. Any


Select one of the cells you are refering to in your posting, the right click
on it , click on Format Cells, the select the Protection Tab, and verify the
locked check box has a check mark if you want it protected and that it doesnt
if you want it unprotected. This setting works in conjunction with the
Protect Sheet command set in the Main Menu:
Tools -> Protection -> Protect Sheet

Tim at alliant

Thanks Michael, All of the cells are protected and unprotected correctly
however the spreadsheet was altered so the range of cells that are now
unprotected has changed. The Macro requiring that specific range of cells be
populated with data is still looking at the old range of cells prior to the
spreadsheet being changed. I believe I can fix it if I can get into the
Macro and edit the range of cells, however, the Macro seems to be missing as
nothing appears in the macro when I try to edit it.


Have you check on the excel Objects like your worksheets in the Visual Basic
Explorer, it could be attached to the OnOpen Event, or maybe attached to a
control form.
If you are not familiar with that area I'll will gladly post some steps on
how to check it.
If this posting was helpful, please click on the Yes button.

Michael Arch.


First Scenario
You have a controls like a command button. In order to check if there is any
code behind it, From the Main Menu Select View -> ToolBars -> Control Tool Box
An icon that looks like a square with a ruler and a pencil will appear,
click on it to provide you with the Design mode, this will allow you to right
click on the Control object, once you right click on it, you can select "View
Code" This will take you to the Visual Basic Explorer screen and on the right
hand side of your screen you will see two dropdown boxes, navigate throught
them by clicking on them and selecting either Worksheet (The First Dropdown)
or the event associated with it on the right most dropdown box.
This were the code can be hidden.
Second Scenario
If you don't have any controls, hit the combination Alt F11, this will bring
you to the Visual Basic editor window.
On your right hand side of the window you will see the VBA Project window,
in there you should find the workbook you are having problems with, Make sure
is expanded (click on the + sign if necessary) . You will see 2 folders
(Maybe only one if you don't have macros) One reads Microsoft Excel Objects
and if expanded you will see the sheets that make up your workbook, if you
double click on any of them, you will see the code associated with them on
the right hand of your screen (navigate through them using the dropdown boxes
mentioned in the first scenario)
Hope this helps....

If this posting was helpful, please click on the Yes button.

Michael Arch.

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