Missing information on Form!



I used the example in the following website to tell the user that they can't
save information without entering information first.

The thing is that I have several checkboxes and a few text boxes that depend
on others. on my form and they are not all required. so i have that
function on my form but to implement it is how I don't know.

This is what I have on my before update of the form

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
if (Me.Noreasons = 0 Or IsNull(Me.NoReasons)) And _
(Me.EmplAccess = 0 Or IsNull(Me.EmplAccess)) And _
(Me.EmplLeave = 0 Or IsNull(Me.EmplLeave)) And _
(Me.EmplLength = 0 Or IsNull(Me.EmplLength)) then _

If RequiredData(Me) Then Cancel = -1

End If

if isnull(me.bDay) then
If RequiredData(Me) Then Cancel = -1
end if
For example if I don't put anything in BDay textbox I am getting a
messagebox saying data is required in text0, please ensure that this is

How do I add text to my before update to say instead of text0 to say
"Missing Birthday date" or if i did not select the checkboxes say "missing
Employee reasons"


Try placing, in your code, a MsgBox w/ the string imessage informing the

HTH - Bob


How about....

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim M$ ' "$" means "As String"
M = "You Need To Enter Data In The Field"...(you finish this)
if (Me.Noreasons = 0 Or IsNull(Me.NoReasons)) And _
(Me.EmplAccess = 0 Or IsNull(Me.EmplAccess)) And _
(Me.EmplLeave = 0 Or IsNull(Me.EmplLeave)) And _
(Me.EmplLength = 0 Or IsNull(Me.EmplLength)) then _
If RequiredData(Me) Then
MsgBox M: Cancel = -1 ' (Or Cancel = True)
End If
End If

Let Me Know...Bob


Thanks Barnes, I have a question though, is the Dim statement/Line as follows
Dim M as string

I will try it tomorrow....


Dim M As String is FINE.

I always declare my Strings as a Letter & a $...IE...Dim A$, B$, C$
Works, & saves on typing. I do the same for Longs, Integers, etc.

HTH - Bob


Bob, I tried the method, but it did not work. The things is that if there
atleast a few things that the user need to enter/select, then only one
messagebox should come up with all that information that is required to be
entered. for now what its doing is one message for the first control I have


You can have a "series" of IF statements testing each Field which needs to be
entered. If the Field is entered, the code continues testing the next IF

Should that Field not be entered, display the MsgBox, & add after Cancel =
True: Exit Sub...so it won't continue testing any remaining IF statements.
The objective is to run Cancel = True...if ANY of the required Fields are not

If all Fields are entered, none of the IFs will run the Cancel = True.

Let me know...Bob

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