Missing ICodeParser implementation



I'm trying to parse a CSharp code to a CodeCompileUnit with a ICodeParser interface of CSharpCodeProvide

But it seems to me, i can't get a ICodeParser interface
Looks like ICodeParser is not implemented in Framework

here is the code i'm using


StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
TextWriter w = new StringWriter(sb)

CSharpCodeProvider csharp = new CSharpCodeProvider()

ICodeParser parser = csharp.CreateParser()
ICodeGenerator gen = csharp.CreateGenerator()

string sourceString = textBox1.Text
TextReader reader = new StringReader(sourceString)

CodeCompileUnit codeUnit = parser.Parse(reader)
// of course, this works fine
// CodeCompileUnit codeUnit = new CodeSnippetCompileUnit(textBox1.Text)

CodeGeneratorOptions o = new CodeGeneratorOptions()


textBox2.Text = sb.ToString()


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