missing Hal.dll



Hi all

I'm in a bit of a pickle here hope someone can help me, Last night I
installed Nero 6 on my PC all seemed to go fine apart from Zone alarm hung a
bit but shut down ok. Came to boot today and the following message appears
unable to locate Hal.dll file on system32 ok I have scan the net for a
solution as I thaught use recovery on windows cd, so I bang the cd in the
PC slect boot from cd as priorty and windows setup starts to run ok.... the
ususal press f2 then f6 and so on install's all the usually drivers and so
on... then the message of windows is starting great .... but I then have a
blue screen telling me windows can't start because I need to run chkdsk /F I
am completly @ a loss on how get around this... please can any provide a
solution which does not involve me buying a new HD... I current have win xp
pro installed OEM on self build... this has been perfectly stable up until
now. ANy help would be greatly appreciated...


Hi Mball37,

You have a similar problem that a lot of people have... a missing driver.
The error was in going through the steps with the WinXP CD. The reason is
because you replace drivers with older drivers on your CD and the newer
programs do not handle older drivers to well, especially SP2 and SP1....this
depending on if the CD was WinXP SP1 or SP2.

The cause of this error message can be varied. A major virus or malware
infestation can lead to this error. Installing and/or uninstalling software
that is spyware laden, such as so many peer to peer (P2P) file sharing
programs, or a faulty hard drive can also lead to this error.

The most common causes of this error are:

A missing or corrupt boot.ini file
A missing or damaged hal.dll file

The steps to repair a missing or corrupt boot.ini file are:

Insert and boot from your Windows XP CD.
When you receive the "Press any key to boot from CD" message, press a key to
start your computer from the Windows XP CD-ROM.
When you receive the "Welcome to Setup" message, press R to start the
Recovery Console.
Press the number that corresponds to the correct location for the
installation of Windows you want to repair, typically this will be #1.
Type bootcfg /list to show the current entries in the BOOT.INI file. At this
point you may get a message telling you that the boot.ini file does not
exist. The next step will correct this error.
Type bootcfg /rebuild to repair it. This will scan your hard dives for
installations of Windows XP, 2000 or NT and display the results. Follow the
on-screen instructions to add your Windows installations to the boot.ini
file. Those step will be:
Total Identified Windows Installs: 1
(1) C:\Windows
Add installation to boot list? (Yes/No/All)
Type y and hit enter
Enter Load Identifier
This is the name of the operating system. When you receive this message,
type the name of your operating system, and then press ENTER.
Enter OS Load options
When you receive this message, type /fastdetect, and then press ENTER.

Note: The instructions that appear on your screen may be different,
depending on the configuration of your computer.
Take out the CD ROM and type exit.

Here is also a helpful page .. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q289022/ for

HAL is an acronym for hardware abstraction layer. The hal.dll file is a
Windows NT file that is used by windows when communicating with your
computer's hardware. It enables hardware from different vendors to allow them
to accept a common set of Windows commands. If it is missing Windows will not

In situations where it has become damaged, either from virus activity or
hardware failure, it may be necessary to replace it with an undamaged copy.
Here are the steps necessary to replace the hal.dll file with an undamaged
copy from the Windows CD:

There is an easy fix to the missing hall.dll. One of them is to put the
WinXP CD in and go to browse CD or do so under Windows Explorer. Expand to
Expand d:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\windows\system32\hall.dll (figuring D: is the CD
Drive). Then simply Copy and paste it into the system32 folder. If it asks
you to overwrite the file...say YES. Or you go to
http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?hal and download the file

I hope this helps,

Brian Hallisy
(e-mail address removed)

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