"Missing" FTP Passive Setting



In IE6, under Tools/Internet Options/Advanced, I expect to
see a setting which enables Passive Mode for FTP. The
option is present on my older computer that still has
IE5.5 and I've seen a number of references to it while
doing a search through google.com.

However, I could not find the option on my either my
computer at work or my home computer that has IE6.

I need to enable that option. Where has the setting gone,



Whoops ... Never realized the number of inquiries on this same problem.

While awaiting an answer here, I continued to search through google.com and
came up with dozens of inquiries on the same subject and several suggestions
that I had already tried but which had not worked for me.

However, this response sounds promising, and I'm passing it on for anyone
else who might need it.


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