Missing dll files



After uninstalling several unwanted adware programs my computer now starts up with two seperate pop-ups informing me that files C:\WINDOWS\bs3.dll and bsx5.dll cannot be located. My desktop image has disappeared (despite a desktop image having been selected and applied) and the desktop icons can no longer be refreshed or reorganised. I do not have a WINDOWS XP Home Edition disc as this was pre-installed by the supliers, (Time). How can I disable these annoying pop-ups and/or reinstall or located the missing files? I assume the two problems are related.


Well. I'm going to adventure. I think those Libraries (DLL's) you refered are not part of the system. Some spyware programs need to register its functional components as any other w32 program. They have their own libraries as those ones you wrote seems to be. Sometimes the anti-spyware software delete the files but don't all the registry keys included by the spyware. Some of this keys instruct to the system trying to locate those DLL's taht not longer exists and finally the system raises the warning about it. The system could not find them because the anti-spyware software deleted them. To eliminate this problem the best solution is to get a program of regystry maintenaince and the help from a friend if you are not familiar with this software. Right-click over the desktop and see if you have enable 'automatic organization' or something similatr (sorry I'm Spaniard). If you see that item checked then uncheck it.

Best wishes.

About icons. Select


About the problem of the icons.

Right-click over the desktop and see if you have enable 'automatic organization' or something similatr (sorry I'm Spaniard). If you see that item checked then uncheck it

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