missing desktop background image



Prior to today, I've been able to right-click any photo
in My Photos and choose Set as Background. Now, without
warning, the image no longer loads at startup. When I
right-click on Desktop then go to Properties, I can see
the image in the b/g, and I see the image again just
before the system shuts down. Also, the My Photos
Screensaver has reverted to WinXP version. I have not
made any hardware changes, but I did remove Office XP and
Sound BlasterLive! yesterday, using the Add/Remove
utility. I'm wondering if a shared dll file was damaged
or removed. I tried to reload WinXP in repair mode and
ended up reloading the entire OS, without fixing the
problem. I also downloaded all the current xp updates,
with no change. Two suggested workarounds from Knowledge
Base only worked temporarily; on restart, the problem
recurs. As I say, everything worked perfectly yesterday
and today, nothing.
Thanks for any help you can give.


What were the workarounds suggested that you tried?

In the meantime: And this depends greatly......

Go to Start/Run and type in: regsvr32 shimgvw.dll

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