Missing accessories from all programs



Help? the accessories under start/all programs have
totally disappeared. The programs are actually there
since I right click on start and see it there with all
its subdirectories. I also uninstalled the accessories
from windows add remove programs and reinstalled it and
still I don't see it under all programs?


I had the same thing happen to my twice and never could put my fingers on
the problem.
Basically they are all shortcuts, therefore, I got them from another
computer. I also saved them (zip) in case this happens again.

All I can say...if you need them, I will personally email your the zip file
of the shortcuts so you can put them back. I will be interested if somebody
else has an idea ...as to how this happened. Maybe a virus of some sort??

Joe I

I know it is a broken link somewhere and not sure it is a
virus or not. I kind of doubt it since I am running NAV
corporate edition.
Trying to find a simple way to relink it or bring back
that item. It is not hidden. I tried a workaround by
creating a new directory named tem and then renaming it
to accessories but then it tells me already exists. Will
try few more things.


I too am running NAV.
Also, for me, this happed on Windows2000. Weird that it appears to be the
same issues.
I, however, had no problem just recreating the shortcuts. I was fortunate
to have multiple computers so that I could compare things. If I can send
you anything, let me know. I have W2K and XP-Pro running.

Good luck.

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