Mirror : XXcopy alternative for mirroring directories



Name: Mirror 1.40
Released: 2005-04-28
License: Freeware
Type: Win32 console application
Download size: 57KB
Author: Dominik Jain
Site: http://home.in.tum.de/~jain/

Official Description


Mirror makes exact copies of directories (or entire directory
structures) with minimal operations, which is ideal for backing up data
on DVD-RWs or over a network, for example. It will overwrite existing
files only if necessary and delete files in the destination that are no
longer present in the source (unidirectional synchronization). Mirror
can ignore files that match regular expressions or file masks.


I found out this today, while looking for an XXcopy alternative to
mirror directories. It is very simple to use. The only thing I don't
like about it is that the parent directory must already exist in the
mirror location, but I imagine there must be a reason for this.

Dominik Jain is also the author of OE-Quotefix and Outlook-Quotefix.


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