Miniscule printing from webpages



Whenever I print information from a webpage, the size of the print is so
small I need a magnifying glass to read it! I can't work out how to correct
this problem.


I've just tried your suggestion Robear but unfortunately, no joy! The
printing is still just the same size as before - minute +++++.


you might try opening up notepad and then copy the text there or Word or any
Word processing program. I had the same problem myself and this fixed it.
Let me know if this works.


This certainly fixes the problem Kaja, however I used to be able to print
directly from the website and get the text in readable size. Maybe there's
been a MS update somewhere along the way that's altered things! I'm a babe
in the woods when it comes to anything other than the most basic operations

PA Bear

IE version? Windows version?
~PA Bear
I've just tried your suggestion Robear but unfortunately, no joy! The
printing is still just the same size as before - minute +++++.

Robert Aldwinckle

jenny0905 said:
Whenever I print information from a webpage, the size of the print is so
small I need a magnifying glass to read it! I can't work out how to correct
this problem.

Perhaps your display resolution is too high for your eyes?
Otherwise in order to use View Text size... be aware that you may
have to resort to the Accessibility dialog's Ignore font sizes... option.
(Keystrokes in English version of IE: Alt-T,O,Alt-e,z)


PA Bear

Robert said:
Perhaps your display resolution is too high for your eyes?
Otherwise in order to use View Text size... be aware that you may
have to resort to the Accessibility dialog's Ignore font sizes...
(Keystrokes in English version of IE: Alt-T,O,Alt-e,z)

Or perhaps she's running IE7 and Shrink-To-Fit is the cause of the behavior.


Yes ... I am running IE7 (that option wasn't available in the IE Discussion
Group list so I chose IE6 in the hope that someone could provide a solution
to my problem anyway!). Where do I find this "Shrink-to-Fit" option? Jenny

Vincenzo Di Russo [MVP]

jenny0905 said:
Yes ... I am running IE7 (that option wasn't available in the IE
Discussion Group list so I chose IE6 in the hope that someone could
provide a solution to my problem anyway!). Where do I find this
"Shrink-to-Fit" option? Jenny
"Printing webpages: frequently asked questions".
"Preview the appearance of a printed webpage".

Sandi's column:
"Honey, I shrunk the webpage".

IE Team:
"IE7 Printing: An Experience You Won’t Want To Miss".

IE7 newsgroup...
- NNTP server (your newsreader):
- Via Web:

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional
Windows - Internet Explorer & Security since 2003
My home:
My Blog:


Thanks Vincenzo. I went to the first link you suggested and followed the
instructions there and have had success. Jenny

Vincenzo Di Russo [MVP]

jenny0905 said:
Thanks Vincenzo. I went to the first link you suggested and followed the
instructions there and have had success. Jenny

YW. Glad to help and thanks for posting back, jenny.

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional
Windows - Internet Explorer & Security since 2003
My home:
My Blog:

PA Bear

[Thanks, Vincenzo.]

Jenny, always state your Windows version when posting to a public newsgroup
or forum, please. We'd have got you sorted much faster if you'd done so.

Those with IE7-specific questions or comments are asked to post to and seek
support in this newsgroup: microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general

On the web:

In your newsreader:

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