Minimizing WM9 intermittently crashes Windows XP shell - Why


joe smith

I have noticed over the past month that many times when I minimize WM9, the
Windows XP Explorer shells crashes, generates and error and then reopens.
This problem only occurs in conjunction w/the behavior of WM9, almost always
when it is minimized to go to another program.

oes anyone have an idea what is causing it and how to fix it. I am running
the latest XP Service Pack - maybe there is a hotfix for this???

Here are the errors in order - they are maybe 5 seconds apart and always
come in pairs:

First Error:

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2800.1221, faulting module
ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.1217, fault address 0x0000852f.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Second Error:

The shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restarted.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at


i'd have to second that problem, one question to specify the prob, is the
"mini player" option on in the task bar? (the little player that will show
up in the taskbar when WMP9 is minimized). thats what crashes explorer on

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