Minimizing and maximizing a window



How do I minimize a window that does not have a minimize or maximize button?
I cannot get to the bottom of the window where I need to be to access the
apply button. What do I do?
Thank You


You should have the minimize button right superior corner in your windows a
box with a -, and maximize button is onli the square box... if you don't have
right click the blue top bar and you will see the option minimize... botton
of the screen when the windows is minimize right click the window at then
select maximize


Yes, I've already tried right clicking on the top blue box and all that
shows up is move and close.


you can also use the hotkey <WIN Key>+<letter M>) and after that you can also
see "Undo minimize all" (the hotkey is <WIN key>+<SHIFT>+<letter M>)

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