Milo: Exporting Outlook '03 contacts to Excel not working right



I tried exporting my contacts file to Excel so I'd have it with me on a USB
drive. At first glance, the column headings looked good and I thought it was
probably accurate, but as I scrolled to the right, I discovered facts about
Person X on the line with Person Y's name. This goes one all through the
file. In fact, many people were not showing up at all in the Name fields,
but their emails and display names showed up on other people's lines.

I'm not sure what I could do wrong here because it's so simple. I choose:
Export to a file
Microsoft Excel
I name the file and location
I click Finish.

I just tried exporting to a tab-delimited text file and that doesn't seem to
cause the same problem there, but the data is a mess and i'd never want to
see it that way.

Any ideas? Exiting Outlook and trying again didn't help.

Roady [MVP]

1) Depending on the amount of information in a cell, Excel may overlap it
with empty neighboring cells. The actual data is still in the correct cell.
2) If you use a tab-delimited or comma separated file, you can import it
into Excel but make sure you set the correct delimiter to separate the
3) You can also use the following method to export a list to Excel;

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