I am using Access 2002 on XP Pro.
I have a database that tracks our fuel usage. One table, tblTransactions,
has transaction data in it; fldDate, fldQuinaty, fldVehicleID … In another
table, tblMileage, there is mileage data; fldDate, fldMilage, fldVehicleID…
Transaction are entered continually but mileage is entered once a month.
I am trying to create a report that will show all transaction for a vehicle
that has dates between the dates that are entered in the mileage table. The
report will display, Total Quantity, Total Miles and Miles per Gallon. In my
main report I am able to list the transaction and my sub report displays the
2 last mileage entries so I am able to get Total Quantity, Miles and MPG, but
the transactions are not between the mileage dates. This causes my MPG to be
way off.
How can I get my main report to list only transactions between the mileage
dates in my sub report?
I am using Access 2002 on XP Pro.
I have a database that tracks our fuel usage. One table, tblTransactions,
has transaction data in it; fldDate, fldQuinaty, fldVehicleID … In another
table, tblMileage, there is mileage data; fldDate, fldMilage, fldVehicleID…
Transaction are entered continually but mileage is entered once a month.
I am trying to create a report that will show all transaction for a vehicle
that has dates between the dates that are entered in the mileage table. The
report will display, Total Quantity, Total Miles and Miles per Gallon. In my
main report I am able to list the transaction and my sub report displays the
2 last mileage entries so I am able to get Total Quantity, Miles and MPG, but
the transactions are not between the mileage dates. This causes my MPG to be
way off.
How can I get my main report to list only transactions between the mileage
dates in my sub report?