Mileage Chart



I am creating a chart by zip codes that will give the mileage between
numerous zip codes. Once the data is entered I would like to use one
cell to enter the start zip code and one for the finish zip code and
have the data in the appropriiate cell the result. I have tried array,
logic, and matrix functions but have not been able to come up with the
correct formula.

23320 23321 23322 23323 23324

23320 1 12 14 16 5

23321 12 1 13 15 17

23322 14 13 1 10 12

23323 16 15 10 1 11

23324 5 17 12 11 1

The formulas that I need help with are:

Start Zip Code 23321
End Zip Code 23324

Mileage 17

There are 64 zip codes to work with and the only way I know how is to
use logic functions that are limited as to the number of functions
within a single cell or formula or are just too labor intensive adding
all of the functions. I know that I usually end up taking the long way
around but in this case there are too many zones to work with.



something along the lines of this should work for you

Create a userfrom with 2 text boxes, 1 commandbutton and 1 label and
also a close buttom
Add command button to you spreadsheet to open the user form

On the spreadsheet
Enter all the zip codes in row starting a column B
Enter all the zip codes in column 1 starting a row
Fill in all the appropriate mileages

Then in the commandbutton1_click ( your enter or get mileage button)
Code the following

Dim I as integer
Dim J as integer
i = val(textbox1.value) - 23318

J = val(textbox2.value) - 23318
Label1.caption = cells(I,J).value

You might want to put some error checking to ensure the textbox entry
is numeric and also in the range of the Zip codes. ( this will prevent
errors coming up)

Any questions?..let me know.

Peter T

One way, amongst many -

sample data in A1:F6
pair of zip codes in B10:B11


Peter T

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