migrate programs



This vista came already pre configured and set itself up with no intervention by me on this HP a1723w.
No OS Disk so fiddling beyond is an iffy process at best.

It took me some time to add my other HD's, but in the meantime, I alreadyinstalled a lot of stuff to C:/programs, that I'd just as well have themon another drive.

Can the migrate thing take and move installed specific programs from C: to D:, E:, F:, etc.. ? Or is it back to square one uninstall from C: , re-install elsewhere ?


Manufacturers are required to provide the vista dvd now. Contact HP to get
it. You cannot move programs to other drives without reinstalling. You can
move your files.


Manufacturers are required to provide the vista dvd now. Contact HP to get
it. You cannot move programs to other drives without reinstalling. You can
move your files.
I wish that were true. Would save $200-$300 dollars. Got a reference for that fact ?
I'll need more than 'I heard on the web' you owe me a Vista disk. Chancesare they'll tell me that's what the upgrade disk is.
'windows anytime upgrade'.
I'm pretty much satisfied with Vista HP. Not looking for anything more expensive.
I was allowed to make 1 restore DVD. Not an installation disk, a RESTORE DVD.
I had that with Acronis. It never worked. I wound up re-installing the OSevery time.

Same problem when I paid $150 for visual basic. I expected I could write programs that could access the web. Not without paying another $300.00 for the full blown package. But that tiny tidbit wasn't on the CD case.



If you hate MS soooooooo much, WHY BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM?

You have a LOGICAL alternative ? I used Commodore until it was supported no longer, moved on to Amiga, and it lost support. I like the Mac just fine. But it has very little support also. Just like their ads. MAC's arefor artist's and hippies. too exotic for the mundane.
That's not a good selling point. another windows based OS would be fine with me, if it ran ALL the MS-DOS, windows programs. ie: windows office 2003, many different games.. etc. There isn't such an animal out there. M$ has buried it's competition. When MAC goes, it's going to be worse than it is now.

Linux ? No, not an alternative. It has less support than Mac.
Though I seriously considered Linux when the XP machine burned up.
There just isn't a logical choice other than M$. And you can thank the gov'ts of the world for letting this monopoly dig into every ones pockets.
And Gates ask's why is every body always picking on him ? Duh.. The 1st person in the history of the world with enough clout to BUY his own country.

That's why I HATE M$, but they can't accept the whole blame. The gov'ts allowed them to get out of control. Even with this monopoly staring everyone in the face. No one talks about the elephant in the room.

I'd say split M$ again. Hardware, software, tech support, etc. But not all of them.
ie: this Vista. It's a bomb. I'm once again an involuntary beta tester.
Just glad it isn't a car.

Rick Rogers


If you're referring to the Windows Easy Transfer Companion, then the answer
would be no. That tool is for transferring programs from one Windows
installation to another, not for moving programs around on the same
installation. More on this tool:

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

This vista came already pre configured and set itself up with no
intervention by me on this HP a1723w.
No OS Disk so fiddling beyond is an iffy process at best.

It took me some time to add my other HD's, but in the meantime, I already
installed a lot of stuff to C:/programs, that I'd just as well have them on
another drive.

Can the migrate thing take and move installed specific programs from C: to
D:, E:, F:, etc.. ? Or is it back to square one uninstall from C: ,
re-install elsewhere ?


Mick said:
If you hate MS soooooooo much, WHY BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM?

Good question.
We ARE stupid to, arent we ?
Always amuses me the ones making comments like this on ANY subject are the
ones who have not had problems themselves, ergo, no one else should

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