Microsoft's useful help



This is the HELP you get from Microsoft ... See below. They are soooo useful
as usual... My last problem (about a year ago) wasn't solved by them either.
Their soulution didn't work didly. Deleting everything Symantec (including in
the registry) solved that one, but it was MY detective work. Neither did
their second "solution" which ultimately necessitated the "from scratch"
reinstall of XP (see story below). I didn't mention their uslessness below,
not wanting to hurt their obviously delicate feelings. Good article in PC
World (nov'04)about how MS left a gaping security hole open in XP for
half(!)a year.

To Carey Frisch:
Hi Fresh, (Frisch=Fresh - im Deutsch) You don't KNOW the meaning of
profanity. If I wanted to be profane you'd turn red... Your mind could be
Fresh-er though by being helpful instead of being obstinate... (FYI:
"obstinate" is not a profanity)

Please repost your question and eliminate the profanity!

How to Make a Good Newsgroup Post

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| I needed to re-install XP Home. (After a reset/restore, the normal
| start/boot-up would stop before the screen would be populated w/ icons, and
| NOTHING would fix it) It was a HD REFORMAT reinstall. but it would
| crash/stop twice, before (the third time) the re-install took. During the
| installations there would be several messages that this-and-that files
| (Ithink they were .dll) ar missing, with retry/ignore/continue instructions.
| The "retry"(s) never worked, so i just went ahead with ignore/continue. The
| installation is now working - kind of - but it is very unstable. For
| once every few days it will spontaneously shut down and restart. Upon every
| start-up I get a "Recovered from a fatal error" message. Once it made my
| ZoneAlarm installation disappear. I was pissed-off, so I went thru the whole
| HD reformat-reinstall procedure again! This time it took the second time,
| with the now usual this-and-that missing, but the exact same problems
| persist. With my talk about it with other people, the consensus is, that the
| Windows XP installation disk is corrupted. My question is, how can I have
| Microsoft replace the disk (I paid a bloody 100 bucks for the goddamn thing)
| and what are the procedurees, because of the complicated registration
| process. Also, if somebody could tell me how and where to obtain an SP2 disk
| (I have phone dial-up connection, it would tak weeks to download, I have
| XP Pro. on my laptop)

joust in jest

1.) This is NOT Microsoft -- this is peers helping peers.
2.) The people who try to help users with problems are not Microsoft
employees -- they are users just like you and me.
3.) Your best chance of obtaining useful help is to post a lucid
description of your problem, your attempts at fixing the problem, and a
transcription of error messages.
4.) Few people are willing to read through a long-winded, profanity-laced
whine about how your don't know who your father is became your mother became
impregnated while writhing on a ship-deck in the middle of a 6th Fleet

Comp Tech

If you got XP Pro for a Hundred Bucks, consider yourself a user of
"Pirated", or, "Incomplete", or " FAULTY HOME COPIED" Software!
You get what you pay for (or in this case, what you deserve).
Good Day.


To Comp Tech:
If you would (or could?) read or possibly comprehend, you would have
noticed, that my problems are with XP HOME. HOME - Understand? (It's in the
FIRST sentence of my original posting) Before you nitwits run your mouths
off, you should comprehend what you are responding to. The XPPro is on my
laptop, and that's not an issue. Of course, being what you (and your kind
ususally)are, I'll be not expecting an apology for your mistake, but a
vitriolic nastiness, because I pointed out your mistake and shortcoming for
everybody so see on this messageboard. BTW: A few years ago when I was in
Europe (XP was new then) I have been offered free copy of cracked XP on that
country's native language. He is now a 5th year university student, he said
they cracked it in less than a week. No, I didn't take a copy.


Joust in jest;
1. The person who replied to the posting signed it as a Microsoft
emplyee/contractor/hiree - whatever.
2. I write professionally, therefore I think I'm somewhat better at it than
you are since they are willing to pay me for it.
3. Like the majority of today's young, you read, but do not comprehend. My
final question was simple: how to replace a corrupted disk. Yes, the story
was longer than normal, because I didn't have the time to stremline, but it
explained WHY error messages and their "transcriptions"(sic) and such, were
superfluous to this problem.
4. Your 4th. point WAS PROFANE, not in the choice of words, but in the
choice and description of concept. Of course, that would require your
understanding of the words: profane, and profanity.

joust in jest

1.) A Microsoft MVP is not a Microsoft Employee. MVPs are peer users who
post often with useful information. Microsoft and are recognized for their
2.) Your post was a muddled mess. If that is an example of your writing
skills, I pity your customers.
3.) I am 53 years old -- few would consider me among the young.
"Transcriptions", contrary to your implication by the use of the "(sic)"
comment , is neither misspelled nor misused.
4.) Of course the imagery is profane . If you put your insult at the end of
your post (as I did), rather than laced throughout your post (as you did),
you won't lose your readers before they have read the meat of your post.

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