Microsoft Word Xp In English Install Italian Dictionary




I have Microsoft Office Word XP English version and in order to write
documents in Italian languages i need to install The Italian Dictionary.

Basicaly ,when i try to open the Spelling and Grammar (F7) in the dictionary
language list box, the Italian language is not available.

Please do you know how i can install it ?

Thanks for your help,

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hello Matteo
I have Microsoft Office Word XP English version and in order to write
documents in Italian languages i need to install The Italian Dictionary.

Basicaly ,when i try to open the Spelling and Grammar (F7) in the dictionary
language list box, the Italian language is not available.

This isn't as simple as downloading something from the MSFT website,
unfortunately. Each version of Office (that you get hold of as a mere
mortal user, IOW: by shopping it in a store or getting it with a new
computer) comes with a fixed set of languages for the intende market.

If you need more, you need to purchase "all" available languages on CD
(Office Proofing Tools) for your version. Unfortunately, the information
about language editions and proofing tools for older version is not
readily available on OfficeOnline at the moment, so you simply have to
beleive me. .-)

But you can't buy this CD from Microsoft itself, anyway, so you can go
directly to your favourite retail store or online shop and look for the
Proofing Tools for Office XP/Word 2002.


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