Microsoft Word does NOT display....


John Arnold

I was happily working today.....

I have Windows XP Home with SP2.

I quit and saved a Word (Office XP) document. Came back later and tried to
open Word.

See the splash panel (with logo & copyright & stuff)....and then nothing.
There is a reference/visual in the toolbar down at the bottom of the screen
telling me that Word is running. Ctrl-Alt-Del also tells me Word is
running. But I can't see anything.

I've tried "System Restore".....but even going back a couple days my
computer tells me "Unable to restore....find another point". That's

I've opened other programs....Excel, for example, is not a problem. Also
ran Norton SystemsWorks 2005 one-button-fix.... Rebooted, etc. Cleared
cache, etc. I'm not in hi-tech, but I'm not a lost-neophyte either. So I'm
puzzled. Worse, I can work on my document.

I've also gone to Windows update....and to Office update....but clicking the
site to scan my computer tells me there is no new update.


Thanks for your help.


Miss Perspicacia Tick

John said:
I was happily working today.....

I have Windows XP Home with SP2.

I quit and saved a Word (Office XP) document. Came back later and
tried to open Word.

So why are you posting here. This is a Windows group, not a Word group. If
you require assistance with Word you should post in the appropriate place
See the splash panel (with logo & copyright & stuff)....and then
nothing. There is a reference/visual in the toolbar down at the
bottom of the screen telling me that Word is running. Ctrl-Alt-Del
also tells me Word is running. But I can't see anything.

Please see above.
I've tried "System Restore".....but even going back a couple days my
computer tells me "Unable to restore....find another point". That's

No it isn't. Means your SR points are corrupt - you will need to disable SR,
reboot, then enable it again (this will purge all points but, since they're
corrupt anyway, it doesn't matter).
I've opened other programs....Excel, for example, is not a problem. Also
ran Norton SystemsWorks 2005 one-button-fix.... Rebooted, etc. Cleared
cache, etc. I'm not in hi-tech, but I'm not a lost-neophyte
either. So I'm puzzled. Worse, I can work on my document.

You must be a neophyte. Anyone with half a brain knows not to let anything
Symantec within a mile radius of their system. SW is probably the reason SR
isn't working. SW is garbage, as is NAV, IS and every other Symantec product
(with the possible exception of the latest version of Ghost). SW/NAV/IS
break everything they touch. Get rid.
I've also gone to Windows update....and to Office update....but
clicking the site to scan my computer tells me there is no new update.

An update wouldn't fix what NSW broke.

See above

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