Microsoft VM



Since I had to reinstall XP and IE6 I lost in IE tools the settings of VM.
It seems so as VM was not installed. I need VM for a lot of application.
How can I find or reinstall VM.
Thanks for help

Mike Kolitz

Since Microsoft's JVM will be discontinued mid-next year, your best bet for
a JVM is (unfortunately) to use Sun's.

You can download Sun's JVM at

Mike Kolitz MCSE 2000
MS-MVP - Windows Setup and Deployment

Remember to check Windows Update often,
and apply the patches marked as Critical!

Ryan Younger

you can install the Sun Java Plug-in 1.4.2 01 for Internet Explorer here:

Simply click the above link and when the Security Warning appears asking if
you want to install and run
the Plug-in click Yes, then follow the steps within the setup program to
install the Java 2 Runtime Environment.

Sharon F

Since I had to reinstall XP and IE6 I lost in IE tools the settings of VM.
It seems so as VM was not installed. I need VM for a lot of application.
How can I find or reinstall VM.
Thanks for help

The Jave VM was not included with XP and it is no longer offered as a
download on the MS sites. You can search the internet for a download
however be aware that support for security patches and further
development are not going to happen. This situation is due to some legal
proceeding between Sun and MS.

It may be time to consider switching to the plugin that's available from
Sun: or from the page that offers their plugin only:

Alex Nichol

Fernand said:
Since I had to reinstall XP and IE6 I lost in IE tools the settings of VM.
It seems so as VM was not installed. I need VM for a lot of application.
How can I find or reinstall VM.

Sun sued MSoft, and the ruling in the case prohibits MS from making
'their' engine available as a download

You can still get a 3805 or 3809 build from some sites that are *not*
MSoft sites - and MSoft is not going to object.
eg 3805 from Http://

Once you have such an older version you can get the 816093 'critical
security update' which is effectively a complete build, 3810

Ryan Younger

From my tests in this area it appears that you can only install the 3805 or
3809 VM build as an UPGRADE i.e. if you already have the MS VM installed.
Thus, if you are installing afresh you will have to use the Sun Java Plug-in
1.4.2 01 for Internet Explorer.


Ryan Younger.

Fernand said:
Since I had to reinstall XP and IE6 I lost in IE tools the settings of VM.
It seems so as VM was not installed. I need VM for a lot of application.
How can I find or reinstall VM.

Sun sued MSoft, and the ruling in the case prohibits MS from making
'their' engine available as a download

You can still get a 3805 or 3809 build from some sites that are *not*
MSoft sites - and MSoft is not going to object.
eg 3805 from Http://

Once you have such an older version you can get the 816093 'critical
security update' which is effectively a complete build, 3810

Alex Nichol

Ryan said:
From my tests in this area it appears that you can only install the 3805or
3809 VM build as an UPGRADE i.e. if you already have the MS VM installed.
Thus, if you are installing afresh you will have to use the Sun Java Plug-in
1.4.2 01 for Internet Explorer.

The ones from the sites I referred to are full versions that will
install with no Java present, copied over before the MS site started
only providing ones that would only install as upgrade. THese are in a
sense bootleg ones - but it was always free software, and in the
circumstances I don't think Microsoft is going to mind

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