Microsoft VBScript runtime error



Hi, I have a Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: '[string: ""]'

/petv2_1/new_question/update.asp, line 78

I was taking an A+ test over the internet and when I got
to quetion 20 or 21. it gave me that error.I change their
html code with.... <%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript"%>
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.Open "MyDSN", "MyUserID", "MyPassWord"
set oRS = oConn.Execute("Select list_price FROM
Response.Write("List Price * 100 = " & CDbl(oRS
("list_price")) * 100)
%> it work once... maybe I got
lucky.... than I got the same error.

please help and thanks. (e-mail address removed)

Michael Burk [MSFT]

You will also want to send this information to the webmaster for the site
you were visiting. This is not a problem with VBScripting on your client
end, but rather a mistake in the actual script on the server.

Michael Burk
Longhorn Shell
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