Microsoft Photo Editor - Insufficient Memory



I tried to print a 59Kb jpeg file from MS Photo Editor today and got the
message that there was insufficient memory. I tried another image, and got
the same message. In the past I've printed 300 K images without any problem.
I tried printing from another program (Photo Impression) and it worked fine.
I rebooted to see if Photo Editor was in a bad mood, but it's still not
wanting to print. Anyone know what's happening here?


Well, the darndest thing - it's now working for some reason. Thanks for the
reference, though, Abel. I'll keep it handy in case I do need it in future.

Abel Diaz

I'm here not only to learn, but to help.
-----Original Message-----
Well, the darndest thing - it's now working for some reason. Thanks for the
reference, though, Abel. I'll keep it handy in case I do need it in future.




I met this case before, when I open a jpeg file in OE and print, it also display insufficient memory. I found one of the solution
is: open one of a jpeg file then use "save as" to save this jpeg file again, then the print function return normal ! I think may be
some components corrupted.



Brilliant! That did it, Harry. I had to actually go to another program in
order to save the file again (I used Paint), but now it prints fine. When I
wrote yesterday that the printing function was working again in Photo Editor,
I hadn't yet tried to print the first file that had exhibited the problem. I
think this file, which came as an attachment from a friend was indeed
corrupted, and saving it again through MS Paint has fixed it. It now prints
fine in Photo Editor as well. Thanks for your help.


I'm having the "insufficient memory" problem again with Photo Editor. But now
it only happens if I choose File/Print. If I simply click the printer icon on
the Toolbar, it prints fine. This is true for any file, whether it's a couple
of Kb or a couple of Mb in size. Does this make sense to anyone? Photo Editor
didn't used to be like this. Has anyone had problems with this software and
found it has something to do with a Windows update?


Well, Abel, I finally got brave enough to tackle the registry keys. I
followed the instructions given by Microsoft at the site you gave me, and now
everything seems to be back to normal again with Photo Editor. You were
right, I guess - the keys were corrupted. Thanks so much for your help with

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