Microsoft paying Google for MSNBC?


Kevin Spencer

Now, Clinton,

If Microsoft employees only used Microsoft products to get the job done,
wouldn't you think that they lacked imagination and creativity? I've worked
with quite a few Microsoft employees, and they, just like any good
developer, use whatever tools will do the best job to fulfill the given
requirements the most efficiently within the time and resource constraints
they are given.

You'd be surprised at how much non-Microsoft software they use. Of course,
they use mostly Microsoft software, as do I, but my tool kit isn't exactly
"pristine" either! ;-)


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Chicken Salad Surgery

Orange you bland I stopped splaying bananas?


Yes, we're all in agreement, use a tool developed by somebody else -- when
you do not have a tool of your own -- but using Google Earth on a
broadcasting network that one may presume attracts millions of viewers is a
tacit acknowledgement that Virtual Earth is a POS.

<%= Clinton Gallagher
NET csgallagher AT

Kevin Spencer

Of course, Clinton! So was Microsoft's attempt to buy Google awhile back!


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Chicken Salad Surgery

Orange you bland I stopped splaying bananas?

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