Microsoft Hotfix for XP


Will Denny


How do you mean 'no joy'? MS haven't got the fix or can't let you have it?


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups


See what's written in the resolution:-
"To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Microsoft
Windows XP. For additional information, click the following article
number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base..."

And you have the latest service pack(SP2) installed in your system.

ssg MS-MVP


Will - Because my PC came with XP Home already installed I am supposed to
contact my Computer Manaufacturer I have tried this and did not get very far.
I have got SP2 but obviously the problem is not resolved and I do no
understand why it keeps occurring - probably simplest answer is to manually
sync time but does not explain why problem is occurring in first place.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Broadband007bond said:
Will - Because my PC came with XP Home already installed I am
supposed to contact my Computer Manaufacturer I have tried this and
did not get very far. I have got SP2 but obviously the problem is
not resolved and I do no understand why it keeps occurring - probably
simplest answer is to manually sync time but does not explain why
problem is occurring in first place.

You do not need a retail copy of the OS just to get a hotfix from Microsoft.
There is no charge for hotfixes. Call PSS (Product Support Services) and
tell them the KB article number you need the hotfix for. They'll email it to
you with a password.

Will Denny

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
You do not need a retail copy of the OS just to get a hotfix from
There is no charge for hotfixes. Call PSS (Product Support Services) and
tell them the KB article number you need the hotfix for. They'll email it
you with a password.

That's if MS *has the Hotfix available* - which for some they are lacking!!


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Will said:
"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
You do not need a retail copy of the OS just to get a hotfix from
There is no charge for hotfixes. Call PSS (Product Support Services)
and tell them the KB article number you need the hotfix for. They'll
email it to
you with a password.

That's if MS *has the Hotfix available* - which for some they are

I've never failed to get a hotfix listed in a current KB article. If the
article's been pulled for some reason, that's a different story.

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

Broadband007bond said:
Does anybody know how I can obtain the latest hotfix ?

I have tried contacting Microsoft - no joy. My PC has SP2 and
is patched as per windows update.

Ideally I want to obtain the following hotfix

Note that this hotfix will not install on a WinXP SP2 system (as it
is already integrated into SP2)...

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