Microsoft Forms 2.0 Scrollbar



Thanks for reading my question.

I added a vertical scrollbar to my form in the detail
section because one is not automatically showing up, even
though I have it set to Vertical Only.

How do you make the scrollbar work? I have it on the
form, but I am not sure what code I need to write for
it. Does anyone have any examples.

I have a main form, and sub form. On the sub form I have
a picture of a calendar. It is quite long, but the
vertical scrollbar doesn't show up.

Thanks again for the help,


Larry Linson

Microsoft Access, the subject of this newsgroup, has its own Forms and
Subform Controls which most find more capable and easier to use in the
Access environment than "Microsoft Forms". I'd suggest you use Access' own
built-in forms and controls.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


I'm not clear whether the scrollbar should be on the main form, the subform,
or the "picture of a calendar".
Make sure you have the Scrollbars property set for the correct object.

- Turtle

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