microsoft clip organizer



Hi, I didn't really know where to ask this questions, so
since it has to do with clip art going into PPT, I thought
I'd start here.

As I try to insert clip art into my document, I get the
little box that says: Cannot complete this operation.
Error code 0x80040231. I've tried compacting the
organizer, then I reinstalled windows, then I tried
cutting some of the graphics through windows explorer. I
also clicked on the find and repair for the organizer. I
still get the same error.

What should I do? Thanks!!

Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Friend (Tech) of mine is going to fix my error code 0x80040231
so I will walk you through the steps. Watch this space.
Give me 24 hours or so.
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Echo S said:
You might have better luck posting in the newsgroup.
is your most direct route through the web interface.

In the interim, though, try emptying your Temporary Internet Files
folder. That seems to correct a number of these types of issues. Perhaps
also check for any popup blockers or settings on firewalls such as Zone


Dinah wrote:
> Hi, I didn't really know where to ask this questions, so
> since it has to do with clip art going into PPT, I thought
> I'd start here.
> As I try to insert clip art into my document, I get the
> little box that says: Cannot complete this operation.
> Error code 0x80040231. I've tried compacting the
> organizer, then I reinstalled windows, then I tried
> cutting some of the graphics through windows explorer. I
> also clicked on the find and repair for the organizer. I
> still get the same error.
> What should I do? Thanks!!
> Dinah

I managed to fix this problem. sorry, I didn't get my computer back until quite recently and forgot about this blog. I didn't get the problem fixed by tech, but rather I fluked it. You need to create another user account on your computer and hey presto, it works. Clipart Organizer is only currently affected to your current user account, so create another user account. I couldn't live without the organizer.

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