Microsoft Bullshit



Simply put. You don't know what you're talking about.
This year I took a grade 10 computer programming course,
and I quickly discovered how easy it is to mess up a
program. Although I do disagree with a few of
Microsoft's designs. I don't truely think that they're a
greedy evil company, as some people (people who can
barely turn on thier computer) say they are. I couldn't
even begin to imagine how hard it would have been to
write MILLIONS and perhaps BILLIONS of lines of code,
without making mistakes. Most of the problems are design
flaws, which Microsft usually tracks down, and releases
fixes for. I had to rewrite a simple QBASIC program
twice because I couldn't find out what was wrong, and
even my teacher was stumped. So actually, I think that
the hard workers at Microsoft have unjustly recieved a
bad rap, from people who use their computer just to play
Freecell. Oh btw, in the help and support center, there
is a way to send feedback to microsoft. And I'm actually
planning a few tips, to make Windows a better OS for GUI
power-users, who don't have much experience with command
lines. So you might wanna back-up what you say, and if
you can, I welcome it.


-----Original Message-----
When will Microsoft finaly learn how to program a decent
O.S. ??????

Stop complaining unless u design your own os and let me
test it for faults thats the day i want to see.

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