Microsoft Access 2003



I need to know if the Access 2003 template named Issues is sharable? If we
have this Issues database on computers in different areas of the state, can I
access the other computers to monitor completion dates. Kind of like when
you share your task list with others.

db ´¯`·.. >

all templates are "free"
if they are provided by

there are "super" templates
produced by private
individuals and companies,
but they openly marketed
at a price/cost.

Tom [Pepper] Willett

Read the OP's question, again.

" db ´¯`·.. ><)))º>` .. ." <>
wrote in message : all templates are "free"
: if they are provided by
: microsoft.
: there are "super" templates
: produced by private
: individuals and companies,
: but they openly marketed
: at a price/cost.
: --
: db·´¯`·...¸><)))º>
: : >I need to know if the Access 2003 template named Issues is sharable? If
: > have this Issues database on computers in different areas of the state,
can I
: > access the other computers to monitor completion dates. Kind of like
: > you share your task list with others.
: > --
: > Pam

db ´¯`·.. >

some professional templates
are not sharable without
paying an additional

it seems that if it were
an issue of simple file
sharing, it would be
pointless to ask as a
question before trying.

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