Micro soft office



Hi anyone, i need help. I recently purchased a new pc a Dell Dimension I
puchased it with windows x p pro with seervice pack 2, does this program come
with micro soft office or does one have to purchase it seperately? I have it
on my old computer but I can find it in my programns on my new Dell


unfortunately, my crystal ball
is a bit cloudy and i cannot
see your invoice from dell.

if you have it then
you will find it listed
in the program files folder
or under a/r programs
control panel.

fortunately, the tarot cards
have said that you will
eventually acquire microsoft office....

Hi anyone, i need help. I recently purchased a new pc a Dell Dimension I
puchased it with windows x p pro with seervice pack 2, does this program come
with micro soft office or does one have to purchase it seperately? I have it
on my old computer but I can find it in my programns on my new Dell


So you purchased a new PC without checking what you were buying?
Perhaps if I give you my paypal ref you would send me some money, then I
might send you something


Thank You 'db' Micro Soft office is not in my A & R programs nor is it in my
programn files. I just thought it might have been included in my windows X P
Pro programn as part of the package. I purchased my old computer used and
Micro Soft office is on it so I just thought it was a regular part of X P
Pro. Is there a way to copy it from my old computer to my new one, or should
I just puchase it, or is if free ? Thanx Again !

Richard in AZ

Microsoft Office has never been a part of any Windows Operating System. Some PC Vendor used to
bundle Office with the computer, but however it was priced, you paid for it.

Do a Google, or EBAY for a copy of "Office for Student and Teachers 2003". It should sell for less
than $130 USD and it gives you Word, Excel, Power Point, and Outlook that you can install on up to 3
machines. In Stores, the new version is "Office for students and home" and will cost you about


Go to openoffice.org and take a look at the open source FREE office
program. It does everything that MS Office does (including Power Point
and Excel), minus some of the clutter (No "Help Assistant" running
across your screen).



you're welcome.

from what i understand
your office program can
be transferred over to your
new pc.

i think that the xperts can
further clarify if you post
this specific issue at

as a thought, you might simply
want to install your old harddrive
as a secondary hd on your new

- db
Thank You 'db' Micro Soft office is not in my A & R programs nor is it in my
programn files. I just thought it might have been included in my windows X P
Pro programn as part of the package. I purchased my old computer used and
Micro Soft office is on it so I just thought it was a regular part of X P
Pro. Is there a way to copy it from my old computer to my new one, or should
I just puchase it, or is if free ? Thanx Again !


as a note, openoffice was
suggested to you as an alternative
by another responder.

although openoffice is by
far an excellent buy, eg free,
keep in mind that it is a work in
progress/project and open
to the public of the free world.

however, i believe that all who is
intellectually capable can
provide programming code
to further enhance the open
source project.

we should keep in mind
that microsoft has spend a lot
of money and time finding
weak spots in the msoffice
systems that would make the pc
vulnerable to attacks.

unfortunately, openoffice has not
reached this milestone and
if the two legged virus's cannot
infect msoffice, then it is likely
they will take the path of
least resistance, eg openoffice.

- db
Thank You 'db' Micro Soft office is not in my A & R programs nor is it in my
programn files. I just thought it might have been included in my windows X P
Pro programn as part of the package. I purchased my old computer used and
Micro Soft office is on it so I just thought it was a regular part of X P
Pro. Is there a way to copy it from my old computer to my new one, or should
I just puchase it, or is if free ? Thanx Again !

Bruce Chambers

Mike said:
Hi anyone, i need help. I recently purchased a new pc a Dell Dimension I
puchased it with windows x p pro with seervice pack 2, does this program come
with micro soft office or does one have to purchase it seperately? I have it
on my old computer but I can find it in my programns on my new Dell

Neither the Microsoft Office application suite, nor any of its
individual component applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access,
Outlook, etc.), have _ever_ been "part" of *any* Windows operating
system. They are, and always have been, separate applications, that
must be purchased and installed separately.


Bruce Chambers

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Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell


DDL said:
So you purchased a new PC without checking what you were buying?
Perhaps if I give you my paypal ref you would send me some money, then I
might send you something

Hi anyone, i need help. I recently purchased a new pc a Dell Dimension I
puchased it with windows x p pro with seervice pack 2, does this program

with micro soft office or does one have to purchase it seperately? I have

on my old computer but I can find it in my programns on my new Dell
Do you sarcastic people ever stop to think that at one time your
knowledge of computers and related areas was also very limited? Or,
perhaps you popped from the womb with all of your experience embedded.

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