

Robert Bodling

I am looking for a program that will run on Windows XP that will allow
you to take a picture in either TIF, TGA, PCX, EPS, GIF, JPG or BMP
of some one and modify their appearence (make them fatter, skinner,
taller or shorter, etc.) and print out the end results. I know FBI
and the Police use something simular when they try and get a picture
on a "Wanted Poster" (or such). Any information wouold help...

(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)


Any decent graphics program will let you modify photos, but you'd have to
supply some skill and/or talent. Otherwise you're going to end up with
something less than realistic.

Nothing's as easy as they make it look on TV.


I am looking for a program that will run on Windows XP that will allow
you to take a picture in either TIF, TGA, PCX, EPS, GIF, JPG or BMP
of some one and modify their appearence (make them fatter, skinner,
taller or shorter, etc.) and print out the end results. I know FBI
and the Police use something simular when they try and get a picture
on a "Wanted Poster" (or such). Any information wouold help...

(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)

Search Google for Morphing Programs



Programmers write "Help Files" for a reason. use them.

"Due to Viewer dicretion...
Graphic violence is advised"

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