Messenger problem?


Mike G

Athlon 2400
256 ddr
120G H/d
AVG antivirus
Sygate f/wall
512kb ADSL conection.

Started a few days ago. Until then comp was working fine.
I go to open OE or any other app after switching on, and
immediately get a dialogue box saying there is a problem with
messenger, saying I should report the problem to microsoft, with
'send' 'dont send' buttons.
I don't use messenger. I click 'dont' send'. the box
dissappears, but returns as soon as I try OE again. A couple of
times later the buttons cease to remove it, and I have to use
ctl/alt/del before OE opens. Until it does everything slows
Once OE opens it appears to work as normal.
According to an AVG scan my comp hasn't a virus.
Even tried clicking the 'send' button. Was then informed the
site couldn't be found. Removed Messenger from the start menu.
Neither made any difference.
Has anyone any ideas of what might be causing this?
Tried looking in the MS K/Base but couldn't find any reference
to the problem.


start/control panel/admin. tools/service

scroll down to "messenger
double click on i
click "general" tab, click down arrow button for "startup type:" change to "disabled
click "apply" butto
click "ok" butto

Mike G

mary said:
start/control panel/admin. tools/services

scroll down to "messenger"
double click on it
click "general" tab, click down arrow button for "startup type:" change to "disabled"
click "apply" button
click "ok" button

Tried that. Didn't make the slightest bit of difference.
Thanks for the suggestion though.

Carrie Garth

Mike G said:
wrote in message <SNIP> Started a few days ago. Until then comp was working fine.
I go to open OE or any other app after switching on, and
immediately get a dialogue box saying there is a problem with
messenger, <SNIP> I don't use messenger. <SNIP>

Try using the appropriate method listed in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base
article to prevent Windows Messenger from running. And if that does not solve the
problem please repost with the exact text of the error message.

KB302089 - How to Prevent Windows Messenger from Running on a
Windows XP-Based Computer;en-us;302089

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