Messenger always hang



After instaling Msn M 6.2 it always hangs when I sign in and interntet
connection data signal is always on. I went back to windows messenger (which
was previously working) and now this always hangs when I sign in. Am using OS
XP Pro on a brand new computer


In Messenger Always Hang on Sign-in <Messenger Always Hang on
(e-mail address removed)> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
After instaling Msn M 6.2 it always hangs when I sign in and interntet
connection data signal is always on. I went back to windows messenger
(which was previously working) and now this always hangs when I sign
in. Am using OS XP Pro on a brand new computer

Have you played around in the services? Start > Run > "services.msc" without
the quotes? Have you disabled DNS client? If I disable that then I get the
same results you're reporting. Other than that I'm just guessing but that's
how I end up with those results.


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