Messages send too slow



I've been running the newest version of MSN Messenger
(6.2) for a month or so now and just a few days ago this
problem occured. Receiving messages from other people
works fine, it's fast and the way it should be; but now
sending messages is slow. When you type, the letters
appear instantly (as it should), but when you
press 'enter' to send it, messenger like freezes, for
about 3-4 seconds before it finally sends it and the
words appears in the convo. box. Once 'enter' is pressed
& the message sent, it locks up for a few seconds,
freezing the ability to close or minimize the window and
sometimes also freezing the mouse. It's worked fine
before, but as I was removing some self-installed adware
the other day, it's started this. I thought I may have
accidentally deleted a '.dll' file or something, so I
uninstalled/reinstalled it 3 or 4 times hoping it would
fix it, but it hasn't. Everything else still works as it
should, other then the ability to send messages is
inhibited by a "glitch" of some sort. If anyone has a
solution, please drop an email. Thanks.


that happens to me to, i tried to delete msn messenger then install
windows messenger and it still takes an age!
Someone helps us its driving meINSANE!!

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