Messages Not Received in Cache Mode


David Pinero

We're getting our feet wet with Outlook 2003. A user has demonstrated
that after approximately 2 weeks of flawless use, Outlook 2003 stopped
receiving e-mail. He could see new e-mail via the web interface, but
when he used Outlook 2003, he couldn't.

We turned off the Cache mode and upon doing so we found all his e-mail
sitting in his inbox where it should have been all along! We turned
the cache mode back on again, and it all disappeared from sight.

The feature is so new and perhaps a bit mysterious, we don't know
where to begin looking for an answer. I notice one poster in usenet
spotting the same breakdown as it related to a virus message alert
from the server.

Has anyone else experienced this phenomena?



David - our office has the same problem with virus emails stopping
cache mode. Did you ever find out how to stop this?

David Pinero

David - our office has the same problem with virus emails stopping
cache mode. Did you ever find out how to stop this?

Not yet, we haven't fully deployed Outlook 2003 and won't until this
rumor is confirmed and some fix or acknowledgement is posted, though.
Last thing we want is 1,000 people telling us they can't get their
e-mail with no idea why - and we don't want to tell them not to use
the anti-spam feature (which depends on cache mode).


Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote

We're getting our feet wet with Outlook 2003. A user has demonstrated
that after approximately 2 weeks of flawless use, Outlook 2003 stopped
receiving e-mail. He could see new e-mail via the web interface, but
when he used Outlook 2003, he couldn't.

We turned off the Cache mode and upon doing so we found all his e-mail
sitting in his inbox where it should have been all along! We turned
the cache mode back on again, and it all disappeared from sight.

The feature is so new and perhaps a bit mysterious, we don't know where
to begin looking for an answer. I notice one poster in usenet spotting
the same breakdown as it related to a virus message alert from the

Has anyone else experienced this phenomena?


When you're in cached mode does the status bar at the bottom right corner
show the user as "Connected?" If so you might want to exit Outlook, delete
the .OST file for that user, then restart Outlook. It'll recreate the
.OST file from the server.

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