message when bringing new file into Access image control



I am building an application in which each record contains several
text fields and one picture. A subform controls a second table which
is a playlist. When a record is selected from the playlist the
associated record from the main table is displayed by a VB form that
displays the data and picture in fullscreen. The subform contains a
button to advance through the records in the playlist.

On a second subform I can display either the record selected in the
playlist or any record in the main table selected by a text box.

In order to get the picture to display in VB I had to ditch the Access
picture field and instead have a text field which holds the complete
path to an external graphic file. On the second subform I display the
picture by displaying the text field and seting the picture property
of an image control to that path.

When this code executes the image box or Access displays a message
box with a progress bar and a cancel button which says Importing
followed by the file path. This is usually on less than a quarter
second and a most a half second.

I am trying to defeat the display of this message box as for the
graphics i"m loading, load quickly and it is an extreme annoyance to
have this thing flashing on every time I move to a new record. A worse
problem though is that it frequently yanks the mouse pointer off the
Button in the other subform

I have tried setwarning false with no effect.
I tried using an unbound OLE and get same message with that.
Is there any way to stop the display of this message.

Thank You

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