Message not completed downloading



I'm using Outlook Express - when I right-click a picture and select e-mail,
Outlook starts, but when I try to send the e-mail I get an error message:
This message has not completed downloading. It cannot be saved until
download is complete.

This is not happening all the time - a few pictures do get e-mailed, but
about 90% give this error message. I checked all updates have been
completed. Using IE7, Windows XP with SP2.



Outlook Express starts - all looks normal and the file name is attached to
the message. Looks like it will work, but 90% of the time it doesn't.

F. H. Muffman

Peggy said:
Outlook Express starts - all looks normal and the file name is attached to
the message. Looks like it will work, but 90% of the time it doesn't.

Ok, just wanted to make sure before telling you, well, you're in the wrong
group. Sorry.

For Outlook Express support, you'll want to ask in the
microsoft.public.outlookexpress.general newsgroup.

Since you're also using the web based newsreader rather than outlook
express, you might want to use
(or, since you're using Outlook Express for mail, look at the steps in for
how to set up OE to use the microsoft newsgroup server).

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