Message at start-up


Peter Sutcliffe

For the past couple of days I have been getting the
following message at start-up:
"memory access violation in module kernel 32 at
What does it mean, and how can I remove it permanently?
Thank you.

Chris Jackson

Well, you appear to have some software installed and running on startup that
is misbehaving. You can determine what it is, but it's not going to be
simple. (Curse those bad software developers anyway.) From an account with
administrator privileges, click on start - run, type in msconfig, and hit
enter. This will bring up the system configuration utility. If you click on
the startup tab, you will see all of the programs that launch at startup.
You've got to figure out which ones are causing the problem for you.

The best way to narrow things down fast is to repeatedly cut things in half.
Count how many entries there are, and then deselect the top half of them.
Restart. If the error is still there, then one of the items that is still
checked is causing the problem. Uncheck half of the items remaining.
Otherwise, you know that one of the items you unchecked was the issue, so
re-enable half of the items you most recently disabled. By doing it this
way, rather than going one by one, you'll get to the answer a lot faster.

Once you figure out which program is causing the problem, you can either
check their web site for an update, remove the software, or stop running it
at startup.

Peter Sutcliffe

I tried to run "msconfig" but was unable to, presumably
because of the error message. After trying a few other
things, I used "system restore" choosing a recent date
when I knew everything was working OK. This did the
trick, and the problem has gone. I did check on the MS
patches, and downloaded a couple that had been issued
since the restore date.
Thanks, Chris, for the help.

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