Merging data from different worksheets



hi - I have a number of worksheets containing customer information in
different formats which I want to merge into a single worksheet. For example
worksheet 1 contains the columns: company name, contact firstname, contact
surname, contact salutation; and worksheet 2 contains the columns: title,
first name, surname, company. So the data from w1 could be mapped onto w2,
it's just all in a different order, and with different field names. It's on
such a large scale that I really need to find an automated way of
matching/mapping the different data into a single file. Can anyone help?


you are going to have to do it in a semi-automated way. you won't like it
but you don't have a choice. Here are the steps:

(Work on a copy of your file so you don't lose anything)

1) for each worksheet that you have, understand what is in each column.
Give each column a decent title so you know what it is.
2) figure out the complete list of column titles. create a brand new MASTER
worksheet with just those column titles.
3) go through your sheets one by one, and put the columns into exactly the
same order as on your MASTER worksheet. if some columns are missing, leave
4) now go through the sheets one by one and copy paste the data from the
sheet into the MASTER. if you have done a good job, the columns will match
5) get rid of the sheets you don't need.

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